Recommend us to a Friend and get £ off Your Childcare


Are you part of a class WhatsApp group or have friends who are looking for school holiday childcare? Let them know about The Strings Club, and not only could your little ones have an unforgettable school holidays but you can also claim a discount on your school holiday childcare!

As parents ourselves, we understand that you trust another parent's first-hand experience above all else. That's why we have a fantastic referral scheme for everyone which applies to all of our Ofsted-registered Holiday Camps in 2024.*

Refer a friend - The Strings Club

What does it involve?

🌟 Recommend The Strings Club to a friend and, if they book, you both will receive 10% off your booking.

🌟 Recommend us to 5 parents and they book, then that's 50% of your childcare covered!

Please note, the person that you're recommending us to must be a new customer.

How do you claim your discount code?

To make it as easy as possible for you to recommend us, all we ask you to do is to enter your email below and we'll pop you an exclusive code for you to share. It's as simple as that!